Has anyone else realized this? Since the electoral college has been in place since 1787 (though it didn't get its name until 1845), it has had full control over who really elects the president. Keep in mind, that they're supposed to go with whomever won the popular vote in their state. It hasn't always though.
The idea behind the electoral college was to "help" those who couldn't really "understand" politics or were too far removed to be able to vote knowing everything about the candidates.
Can we say, "ANTIQUATED"? Just curious.
So here I am, sitting in my lovely home, watching a minute by minute vote count and poll reports, having information on every candidate at my fingertips thanks to the internet. Not to mention being absolutely attacked by fliers in the mail and reading everything (biased as it was) in newspapers and seeing it all on television. Well, okay. I didn't really see any of it on TV because I don't watch it. So, I would like to think that my vote counts. I would like to think that I am informed enough to make my own decision and can tell the electoral college to go take a hike.
Colorado only has 9 electoral college votes. What's the use of that?! How pathetic. However, all of our possible voters should count for something. I think that when they say, "Every vote counts, so go vote on election day" should actually mean what it says. Already, CNN has taken and said, "Well, Colorado's electoral votes will go to Obama." Great. My county hasn't even been tabulated and turned in yet. See what I mean? My vote didn't mean a darn thing. Makes me really upset. It has since I was a senior in high school when I learned about the electoral college (I even wrote my congressman about it), and it still does today. Perhaps I should start writing a letter a month and see if I can bug my senator and congressman into doing something about it. Probably not, but it's worth a try! My votes really DO count with them.
I want my vote to actually count. It's my constitutional right to vote. I think it should be a constitutional right for it to stand by itself as "1" towards my selected presidential candidate.
One last note and then I'm going to go. I sure hope you all like the kind of "change" Obama has in mind. Personally? It scares the snot out of me. The economy isn't controlled by the president. Hasn't anyone else realized that? It's controlled by the economists. SURPRISE! Just thought you should know that. The Iraqi war? They're kicking us out in 2011, so it will end. SURPRISE!! That's not worth voting over either. Energy policies and Education are though. Expect your taxes to go through the roof! Obama actually likes "No Child Left Behind." It's a broken system people, but we're going to be pouring more money into it. Great... State and Federal funded preschool. Great, lets put our adorable children into a stale environment even earlier! Marvelous idea... Most of them are already in daycare anyway. They won't know the difference. Your property taxes sure will though. So, tada! There's your Change. I hope you enjoy it, because I know I won't.
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