Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lady Liberty Update

In all realities, the name of the pattern is "She Stands Tall." However, I renamed it to "Lady Liberty" the other night. I like it better. :-D Anyway! I realized that, when you switch how you're attaching the beads, it changes how they lie and the tension in the thread. Oops! As I'm doing this in sections, it's very important that they line up when they're finished. So, the second section I was working on, along with almost half of the first section, are a complete wash. In a way, it's annoying and aggravating... However, I learned something important, so I guess I won't be too upset over it. :-D

I've also decided to make myself a loom. I came across this pattern and decided to give it a try. All I'll be out is a single piece of wood and some wood screws. Not too pricey if it doesn't work. However, several comments on the page lead me to believe that it will work just fine. Unfortunately, I need the wood cut in about 3 places to create it. Bummer for me that I don't know how to use power tools and we don't own a hand saw. LOL Fortunately for me, my father-in-law will be home soon and I know he'll cut it for me. :-) Then I'll create my loom.

That leads me to a question my husband asked me, "Since you're having to completely redo 'Lady Liberty,' why don't you just wait for your loom to be finished?" It's a loom pattern, so his question makes perfect sense. Thank goodness he understands me so well. LOL He knows how much I enjoy doing handwork and the more intricate things by hand. In time, I might be willing to do things like this on the loom. Makes more sense actually as this is 100 X 101 beads. There's just that sense of peace and accomplishment I get from doing it by hand. As I told him, I'll just do the quick simple stuff on the loom, like my bracelets and the like. Stuff that I plan on selling to fund my larger tapestries. I hope to be able to sell my tapestries later on. We'll see. :-)

For now, I just want to quietly work on "Lady Liberty" in my own way. It might take longer, but it's worth it in my mind.

Now... to pick up some pretty silver-colored bugle beads to see if my latest design idea will work. Though I suppose I should finish up Kokopelli first. See how he turned out... LOL

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Writing, among other things

Not too many people know this, but I've started writing. I stretched my wings and allowed complete strangers to read what I write. Boy, was that a huge stretch for me. Until November 2008, I'd never let anyone outside of family and a few teachers read what I write. Imagine my surprise when everyone agreed... I write well. I guess I believe it now. My dream of becoming a published author began to take shape in my mind... And then, BAM! It happened again. What's that, you might ask? Well, I have this weird habit of only working on one thing at a time. Well, I only work on one thing that interests me at a time. I do have a family with 3 young boys, 2 of which are in baseball, so I really only have time for one thing for myself at a time.

As you can tell by the name of my blog, I'm a quilter. I was solidly a quilter for 7 years before my eye started wandering in other directions. Normally, I quilt in the colder months. Generally from late fall to early spring. This year, however, I got caught up in writing, so no quilting. Now, I'm into beading. I like it... it's a lovely cool hobby. :-) I just do that, though. Switch from hobby to hobby without much thought of what I left behind. Strangely enough, not writing anymore haunts me. I know in my heart and mind how important it is to me. I just can't seem to convince myself to sit and keep writing.

To top it off, I was reading a few things the other day. Did you know that a lot of agents and publishers won't even look at you very close if you don't have a popular blog and a large following on Twitter? Well, I don't use Twitter and this blog has never been popular. Heck, I'm not even sure how many read it! LOL I did have a large following out on writing.com though. Does that count? ;-) The true readers loved my writing. I think that's more important than a general blog that looks like every other blog. Then again, I never had high hopes of being "officially" published. I was looking more along the lines of being self-published due to the fact I have serious issues with rejection. Even the bestsellers can be rejected several times before finding their 'home.'

Perhaps it's time to sit myself down for 30 minutes a night and work on my current book and see if it won't lead me somewhere. I can still picture exactly where I left off my characters. I think it's time to get them moving again. LOL I can try it. If nothing else, I might at least finish a book. I've never done that before. I'm normally a short story writer, so this book idea came out of no where and surprised me. :-)

With that, I'd better go get cleaned up and get around. I get to take 3 boys grocery shopping... I'm NOT looking forward to that. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beading Merrily Along

Welcome back to my insane world of beading. Well, technically it's welcome to any insane world I happen to be residing in at the moment.

I'm not sure if I mentioned how many beads my latest project has in it. Since I don't remember, I'll post it here. :-D It has 10,100 beads. Well, technically 10,101 right now as I messed up last night and accidentally added a bead where one shouldn't have been. Now, don't start quizzing me on why I didn't go back and remove it. I will ask you a question though. Why is it that I always find my largest errors, usually ones that should be fixed, right after I tie in a new thread? To fix the error, I would have to remove several rows of beads, even if the mistake was right before the tie in point. *sigh* Too many knots. The thread has already been trimmed after being hidden. Usually, I just try and bluff my way through the mistake. :-D

By the end of this evening, I do believe that I will be a whopping 1/5 of the way finished with my latest project. That's not that bad as I think I've only been working on it for about 2-3 days. Each section holds 2,020 beads, so that is not too bad. I'm cruising merrily along. If I keep this up, this little mini-tapestry might even be finished within 2-3 weeks. Too bad I'm already looking around myself going, "I want to do another one. Where's a pattern for a new one?" LOL

With that, I'm going to go take another look at where I'm at in my project and then get a move on for the day. There's plenty I need to be doing and I just need to be content to work on my beading in the evening. :-)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Economy

You know, in my opinion, the economy isn't all that terrible. Now, before you lynch me and point out all the people who have lost their jobs, let me point something out. We wouldn't be in this situation IF people had used common sense. Apparently, that is lacking when money is involved.

Let's start with the unions. Were they needed in the past? Absolutely. Are they needed now, I'm not so sure. The unions were put in place to guard people from unscrupulous business owners. However, I'm not sure that the unions aren't what we need protection from now. They chased our companies out of our country. With constant increase in pay, the companies had to increase the cost of their goods to cover it, which then caused the unions to step up and ask for more pay. See the nasty cycle there?

Next step is the fact that the "American Way" got skewed. It used to be that you worked hard for what you wanted. You got it by the sweat on your brow. Since when did loose lending practices that guaranteed a home for everyone enter into that equation? When did credit cards come in and replace our savings accounts? See that nasty cycle there? We started getting what we wanted when we wanted it without any work. With the quick and easy loans for everyone, our housing prices skyrocketed. People borrowed more to own that "perfect" house. Usually with way more space and rooms than they needed. Last time I checked, it wasn't a law that every child needed his/her own room with more toys than they could possibly ever play with in a year.

What's going on now is an equilibrium move. Our economy is righting itself. The ability to buy everything we wanted it when we wanted it killed us. Now, we can't pay our credit card bills. Now we can't pay our mortgages for our expensive homes we didn't need in the first place. So now our homes are being taken from us.

Was our family perfect when all of this was happening? No. However, we "equalized" almost 2 years ago. We now only spend what we earn. We don't have any more credit cards and refuse to get another one. We make every single payment on our home and car every month. We have no threat of losing either one. We can put food on the table and even do fun things periodically, like put our children into the local baseball league for the summer. Now that we're equalized, we need to begin storing as much money as possible into savings. That will take the place of our credit cards. At least that way, we'll be making interest instead of those horrid companies. Yes, we've been much happier since we started living within our means.

And that, my friends, is what the rest of the country is learning now. They're learning what it's like to equalize. Unfortunately, it's going to be painful for awhile. It took us 2 years. How long will it take the rest of the country? I have no idea. Unfortunately, we chased most of our major manufacturers out of our country. We're lacking the jobs that used to support our country. I personally believe that it's time to penalize them within an inch of their lives. Their pockets is the only thing that matters to them. So hit them where it hurts the most. Let them know that if they bring back their companies to the US, it will be better.

As a country, we need to support what companies are in the US still. We might pay a little more for those products, but it's very important to keep them here. I've been squeezing extra money out to buy Huggies or Pampers for a long time now. They're made here in the US. It's just little things like that will help out our country and our fellow workers.

It's time to reset our values and go back in time to when family and friends meant more to us than money. Then, our country's economy will stabilize and we'll be a much better country for it. Money only makes you miserable. Think of that the next time your credit card bill comes in and you're wondering how you're going to make that payment.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well, it finally happened even though I dug my heels in for a long time over it. I just had to start playing with beaded jewelry. I'll blame it on my car needing new brakes and the guys at the shop taking forever to do them. Near where I had them done, there was a cute little beading shop. I went in there while I was wasting time. From that time on, those beautiful beads kept circling through my mind. I finally gave in, but I have a few 'rules.'

Rule #1: I'm only allowed to use seed beads for the majority of my work. The larger beads are only allowed if they're accent pieces to a seed bead design.

Rule #2: I have to finish one project before beginning a new one. The last thing I needed was another hobby where I had a thousand and one unfinished projects.

Rule #3: I must keep my supplies within the limits of a shoebox-sized plastic box.

Not too many rules. I even get most of my patterns for free and I'm even starting to design some of my own patterns. I love the square stitch or loom weave style. I just love that solid band of beads, how they feel, and how the piece moves. They take awhile to create, but I still love them.

I will probably break rule #2 here before too long. I came across a free pattern that will create a bead tapestry. 101 x 100 beads. Finished, it will be approximately 5" x 6.5". That's going to take forever to make. So, I believe I will allow myself a break now and then to work with a net weave project. They finish up quickly and are very beautiful. However, I also can't wait to see what this tapestry will look like when finished. I'm already thinking of ways to get it hung so I can display it in a window. :-) I find that amusing as I just ordered the beads for it last night. I had to order them because it required some special beads called "Delicas."

They're beads that are made in Japan and are very strictly size controlled. Delicas come in about 1,000 colors, I think. Needless to say, no local bead shop can stock them all. I ordered mine from Fire Mountain Gems. Awesome place. If you're into jewelry making at all, I suggest you look at this place. They allow their discount to span the entire website. That means, if you buy 15 items of anything on their site, you get the discount. I was able to combine all the Delicas I needed with some more beading thread, Swarovski crystals, obsidian chunks, and some earring posts to get my discount. It really is a great thing they offer. Oh! And the shipping is only $5 Fed Ex for a single box. Surely you can imagine how many beads they can fit in a single box. A lot! So I think it's worth it. I'm hoping to have my new stuff by this weekend.

With that, I guess I'll go finish working on my Kokopelli. I'm not sure how it's turning out. The oval I put around him is a wee bit larger than I thought it would be. I might redo it in a different shape or attempt to create a smaller oval. I don't know. It's done in square stitch, so it's taking forever to do. I just passed the halfway mark last night. Oh, well. A few more hours of work and I'll see if it's going to work or not. That's the problem with designing my own stuff. I'm still not quite sure how beads work together to get the perfect look. I'll get there eventually. :-)

I guess I'll meander off now. I have pictures of everything I've completed so far. Maybe I'll even put them in this blog one day. For now, they're out on Facebook. Feel free to go look at them. Take care! I'm off to go work.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ranting and Raving

To begin with, I'm not sure how many people will actually read this. I think I get more hits on my blog out on writing.com than I ever have here. However, I just feel like venting and this seemed like the more appropriate place.

As everyone in the universe knows, we have a new president. Just thought I'd warn people now. The sun doesn't rise and set according to him. I already have a God, thank you very much. As a matter of fact, I don't even think he's all that great. Before I look on him with anything but fear and suspicion, he's going to have to do something to prove it. So far, he's doing a horrid job. Pretty interesting considering he's only been in office for a few days.

Let's take the first order of business he's done. He's shutting down Guantanamo Bay. Okay, that might not be the best thing the US has ever done, but really. Shutting it down and putting all of those foreign criminals through our justice system? That's insane. They're not even US citizens. They don't deserve the protection of our constitution. If he wants to shut it down, then fine. Send them back home. It will keep our military with jobs for a long time to come. A lot of them in there are suspected terrorists. Yes. By all means. Let them all out and bring them INTO the US for trial. Brilliant. Now, why don't you go round up all their little terrorist friends and bring them in too so they can "testify on their behalf." Heck. Give them all guns, too. Let's make it more fun. Not like they'd have any problems getting any when they were in the States anyway. Now. To keep ME amused, put the ACLU in front of them and let's see what happens. Actually, they'd probably become best friends and have a meeting to determine the best way to undermine the American Government. Then, the media can cover it all because they're on their side anyway, and they can report it as the best thing to happen to the US ever. *gag*

The recession we're in. I know, I know. Everyone wants to blame President Bush. But please, if you're going to blame people, put it back where it belongs. Carry it back to President CLINTON where it belongs. He's the one who decided everyone should own a home. Never mind the fact that most people aren't financially sound enough to do it. Then banks put in the practice of loose lending. Those same people who aren't very good with financial decisions took advantage of it and then proceeded to drag down the entire economic market. Oh, and by the way. Presidents have never been in "charge" of the economy anyway. It's the typical person who is. What we decide to do ripples throughout the entire market and influences others. One person walks away from their home and allows it to go into foreclosure, then it ripples throughout the entire neighborhood. If that same neighborhood hears that the other person went and bought another house before the foreclosure hit, then they decide it's better to walk away from their current home than it is to try and sell it. That right there started the home market down slide. After awhile, it started to hit the businesses. People got into homes more expensive than they could afford. So then the homes started being foreclosed on for real. Businesses started taking a hit when people were pouring all their money into trying to keep their homes. Without people buying their products, they couldn't stay in business. Then it got worse.

I'm just curious. Do you see that? Do you see how it all started? It all started with loose lending practices encouraged by President Clinton. Unfortunately, it took 8 years for it to all slide out from underneath us and create this recession we're in. Don't blame Bush. He tried to help keep it from sliding. But there was no stopping this. It was too big. All we can do is tighten our belts and learn to live as we used to in the previous generations. Used isn't all that bad. I learned that from my husband. Some of the best things we own are second hand. *smile* They're better made too. Besides, think of it. We're helping to save the environment by keeping it all out of the landfill. *grin*

I think that's all I have to whine about for today. I'm sure I'll come back when Obama does something else incredibly stupid. Why can't he do something useful? Like get rid of the "No Child Left Behind Act"? It's not helping anything and it's actually making our education system worse. Instead, take the money that is being poured into that, and use it to completely revamp our education system. Pay the teachers a higher salary so that you can keep the good math and science teachers out of the industry.

Aww, to heck with it. Our country needs our prayers. That's the ultimate answer. So I'll just take a deep breath, wait out our current president and hope he doesn't screw things up too bad, and pray for our country.