Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dry Spell

Well, I have obviously been very quiet here. I've been spending a lot of time with my writing muse and, therefore, have been out on Writing.Com a lot. So that just about sums up this entry. Just wanted to put it in here in case anyone checks my blog and notices that I haven't been posting in awhile.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Unhappy with Christmas

I'm sure that I'm not the only person in the world to get depressed at Christmas. And hopefully, I'm not the only one who gets depressed over the overwhelming consumerism during this time. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. The time to sit down over good food and spend quality time with family. In my heart, I believe that's what Christmas should be. My favorite part of Christmas is when we drive over to my in-law's house for a wonderful dinner and just spend time with them.

You see, I'm blessed with a wonderful mother- and father-in-law. They're wonderful, loving and caring people. It's always a joy to spend time with them.

Tonight, I think I figured out why I get so depressed at Christmas. It's all the gifts that people buy. You see, no matter what we buy, we can never compete with the greatest gift of all. On Christmas Day, God sent to earth his beloved son to live among us. He set into motion the plan for our eternal salvation. There is absolutely nothing that we can buy that can compete with that. Oddly enough, gifts from the heart come closer to encompassing that ideal than anything else. For God's gift was definitely one from the heart. As it says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son..."

All the pretty wrapping paper, all the bows, all the pretty decorated trees, all the credit card debt and stress in the upcoming year when that first credit card bill arrives, that means absolutely nothing. If we'd just embrace the fact that we can't compete with the gift we've already been given and stop with the unending consumerism at Christmas, we'd be much happier people.

That reminds me of one Christmas we had awhile back. Money was really tight and we knew that we couldn't get the kids very much. So I had everyone in the house pick one special dessert each. I then proceeded to make them, one after the other, as a special gift. That holds the special memories. Not the presents under the tree that year.

This year, we're blessed financially to provide a good Christmas. As a matter of fact, the gifts are already purchased and many of them are high-end electronics. For some reason, every time I think of them, I get depressed. I miss that Christmas where the 'gift' was homemade goodies. I'm trying to decide if I'm "brave" enough to declare a "no gift" Christmas. We have 4 boys. Would they understand celebrating what God gave us over buying gifts for the tree? Would they understand if I was more willing to give them nicer gifts on their birthday instead? I doubt it. But the idea holds so much appeal to me. We actually took and cut way back on Christmas gifts a few years ago. The kids didn't mind it then. They each get maybe one or 2 special gifts and that's all. For awhile, that kept me happy. Now, I want to cut back even more. Maybe that's asking too much out of the kids.

Maybe I'll chalk it up to my normal Christmas depression. Add in the fact that Dad can't be here this year and it's just miserable. A very important part of my family is missing and it's just hard. Though, I still would like to make Christmas more about Christ, just like it should be. I'll think about it next year, when, hopefully, my family will be whole again. Though we did all agree, if we could trade in every single Christmas present for Dad, we all would in a heartbeat. I wish it was that easy.

Friday, December 5, 2008

NaNoWriMo Update #1

Well, I wrapped up my first session this evening. Considering I walked into it tired and dreading it, but still pulled it off, I think I'll make it through the month. *smile*

With the plan of 4 pages, front and back, I kept writing until I had reached that goal. Actually, I ended up going over it as I just couldn't leave it dangling at the end of the 4th page. So, with that, the official count of this evening came in at 2,288 words! Hurray!!! My goal was 2,000, so I passed it. I'm actually pretty happy at that.

An amazing thing happened tonight too. I finished my very first chapter. Since I'm a short story writer by nature, this is absolutely thrilling. Having 5,333 words isn't too shabby either.

I know I only finished my "first" day, but I actually think I might see this thing to the end. Going in tired and really not wanting to do it, showed me that I can still force myself to do it anyway. Now, to keep that in mind when the going gets tougher. *smile*

I have a small cheerleading team lined up and they're really good at cheering me on in everything. As a matter of fact, they're the two people who got me back into writing. So yes, they'll cheer me on to the end. My husband really will as he gave me the original prompt that set this book in motion. He's really been wanting to see the end of it for a LONG time. Now, hopefully in about a month and a half, he'll get to see it in its rough form. I said "a half" because I'll need time away from it before I enter it into the computer.

I'm thrilled that I managed to pocket my Inner Editor. This evening, while counting the number of words I had, I came across the use of a word that a tough guy like Henrich (my main character) would never use. However, I noted it, shook my head at it, and kept on counting. I'm actually proud of myself for not trying to edit it at that very moment. I think it shows great promise for the rest of the month.

I have to grab onto every gem I can right now to keep me going later on. *smile* With that, I'm heading to bed. I have another 2,000 words to tackle tomorrow. *grin*

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Well, NaNoWriMo, the official one, is over for this year. It runs during the month of November. However, I went and got Chris Baty's book, "No Plot? No Problem!" the other day and read it. It's basically a guide on how to do your own NNWM any month you want. Well, this is my time! I'm bringing to the table a partially finished book. Technically, that's a no-no, but since I write in the style that's suggested anyway (by the seat of your pants), I figured it didn't really matter. Besides, the 'book' is only 3,045 words long in its current form. Barely short story length.

My goal is to write every evening from 10:30 - 12:30. However, my goal is going to be 3-4 pages every night. I don't know if that will dig me out of my deficit or not. Since I'm starting it on the 4th day of the month, I'm technically supposed to have a total of 6,664 words by the end of the night. Well... that's an awful lot for one night. So maybe if I jump it up to 4 pages (handwritten, I do about 500 words/page) every night, then I might be able to catch up. Hmm... According to the math, I can. I'd actually clear the goal (50,000 words in 1 month) by several days. So, there you have it. Four pages per day will get me to my goal.

As me again in a month how I did. LOL Naw, if I "win," I'll be completely over the moon I'll be so happy. You'll definitely know. *grin*

Feel free to cheer me on. I might need it before too long. LOL

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Oh, goodness. I'm SO frustrated right now. I went out to my CD player in the living room to grab out a few CDs that I wanted to rip to my computer and ... well... Let's just put it this way. I have an old CD player that has one of those nice carousels. It held 51 CDs at a time. That was great for me. Plenty of room and it had all the necessary auxiliary jacks on the back to run the DVD player through it and all that. Now, my CD carousel is broken!!! Oh, I'm so sad and upset by that. Ever since MP3 players got so big and all that storage is in them, you can't find CD players like this anymore. Also, the stereo systems for the MP3 players rarely have the necessary jacks on them to also act as a media center. No. All those darn companies now want you to buy an iPod and then buy a separate multimedia center for your television. Which, in today's world, had better be at least 52" and a flat screen.

Those companies sure are great at making you spend a ton of money to buy all the necessary equipment when one $300 stereo was all you needed.

Now, I'm going to finish ripping the CDs I wanted and pile the rest on my desk. Now that the carousel is broken, I can't be sure I can even get them in and out of there anymore. Then I'm going to sit here and be upset for awhile while trying to figure out how to work around this.

I just had to vent this or I'd probably explode.

Hmmm... Now What?

Oh, dear. I feel as if I've hit a minor road block. All that rush and push to work on my writing and all of a sudden, Fizzle... I can't seem to do anything right now. Do you know how annoying that is?

Okay, it might actually go back to the fact that I have an idea on what I want to work on, but I haven't yet. Isn't that silly? Mainly because I'm hiding out in my room a lot to work on something and I'm feeling guilty at leaving my kids alone like that. However, I also have to be able to completely block out their noise, or at least their movie, so that I can write. So, yesterday, I went out and bought myself a new MP3 player. My other one was SO old that it pretty much refused to connect to my new computer. Okay, I know, that's painfully old. I am now an owner of a brand new Zune (I detest Ipods and refuse to own one). I just bought a black one even though they come in all sorts of fun colors. I'm just one of those people who knows my ideas of "good" change from day to day, especially when it comes to color. I figured black was my safest option.

It's now fully loaded with music, though I still want to rip several CDs to build up my "writing" playlist. I need specific music to do stuff like that. So I'll get that done and then I really have no excuse. LOL Well, unless I want to go clean my house. Ugh!

Everyone have a great day! I'm off to go 'plunder' my CD player in the living room for the discs I want to rip. That's more exciting than cleaning right now. It's a wonderful all-around way to procrastinate. It's great! LOL