Well, I wrapped up my first session this evening. Considering I walked into it tired and dreading it, but still pulled it off, I think I'll make it through the month. *smile*
With the plan of 4 pages, front and back, I kept writing until I had reached that goal. Actually, I ended up going over it as I just couldn't leave it dangling at the end of the 4th page. So, with that, the official count of this evening came in at 2,288 words! Hurray!!! My goal was 2,000, so I passed it. I'm actually pretty happy at that.
An amazing thing happened tonight too. I finished my very first chapter. Since I'm a short story writer by nature, this is absolutely thrilling. Having 5,333 words isn't too shabby either.
I know I only finished my "first" day, but I actually think I might see this thing to the end. Going in tired and really not wanting to do it, showed me that I can still force myself to do it anyway. Now, to keep that in mind when the going gets tougher. *smile*
I have a small cheerleading team lined up and they're really good at cheering me on in everything. As a matter of fact, they're the two people who got me back into writing. So yes, they'll cheer me on to the end. My husband really will as he gave me the original prompt that set this book in motion. He's really been wanting to see the end of it for a LONG time. Now, hopefully in about a month and a half, he'll get to see it in its rough form. I said "a half" because I'll need time away from it before I enter it into the computer.
I'm thrilled that I managed to pocket my Inner Editor. This evening, while counting the number of words I had, I came across the use of a word that a tough guy like Henrich (my main character) would never use. However, I noted it, shook my head at it, and kept on counting. I'm actually proud of myself for not trying to edit it at that very moment. I think it shows great promise for the rest of the month.
I have to grab onto every gem I can right now to keep me going later on. *smile* With that, I'm heading to bed. I have another 2,000 words to tackle tomorrow. *grin*
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