Monday, November 10, 2008

Going to Quit!!

Okay, I'm sure many know this, but I never tell anyone. I smoke. I have smoked now for 14 years. Recently, I decided that enough is enough and I need to quit. Besides, I'd like to have that money for my quilting budget. *grin*

With that, I'm starting to keep track of when I smoke, how badly did I have to have that smoke, and what was I doing? With that, I think I can start to cut out the ones where it's pure habit and doesn't really mean anything and I didn't need it to begin with. Then, I can focus on distancing myself from the really tough ones.

You know what? With this tracking, I've been doing it for 3 days now, I'm really starting to think, "Hey! I can do it this time!" That's actually a very exciting thought. I'm seeing a definite pattern here in my habit. Tackling one thing at a time will get me there.

Over the years, I've changed some of the more difficult things people have issues with. I haven't smoked inside for 7 years. That really bites when it's snowing outside or it's below zero. Trust me! At that point, I always think, "That does it! I'm quitting!" LOL This past year, all the windows on our car broke due to cheap plastic that runs the electric windows and so I no longer smoke in the car. That's handy. *smile* So, 2 of the more difficult things are gone. With the tracking I'm doing, I can pinpoint the other items that get to me.

I pulled a tracking sheet that I found online, but I don't like it. It doesn't allow for enough notes. So, I think I'll make my own so that it makes more sense and works better for me. *grin* Wish me luck!! I'm going to need every bit I can get.

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