Thursday, May 8, 2008

Still Knitting

Well, I'm still happily knitting away. Awhile back, I mentioned that I don't mind knitting for money and that I was working on dish cloth and dish towel sets for a craft fair later this year. I finally settled on a vertical garter stitch for my dish towels. Unfortunately, the yarn I'm using for the dish towels doesn't make a long enough dish towel, IMO. The balls just aren't large enough. So after finishing my first one, it started bothering me how short it was. It measures about 9-10" before the decreases for the towel top. (The towels are meant to loop around something and are to button closed.) Anyway, I finished up another dish cloth and then went on a hunt for a simple lace border. Just something I could knit up in a coordinating yarn, to add to the bottom of the dish towel. I found the perfect little pattern. For some reason, just adding a little bit of lace that's only about an 1" or so wide is all it took to add the finishing touch. It's not what I'd consider 'true' lace as I'm knitting it with the same type of yarn and the same sized needles as I did the dish towel. I think of it more as a primitive or country lace. I just wanted it to look right on the dish towel. Now, when I have that lace knitted, I hope I can figure out how to put it on to the towel. *grin*

Well, I guess I'll meander off now. When I finally get it all finished, I'll take a picture to share. Right now, I'm getting worn out and we haven't even had our busy day this week yet. Saturday is going to be hard. I'll make it though! I know I will. *grin*

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