Wednesday, May 28, 2008

FlyLady Rambling

Okay, most of us have heard of FlyLady over the years. I've tried her program many times and have usually dropped it by the end of the first month. Beats me why. I'm silly like that. I did drop my routines yesterday, but I had a very good reason to. My darling husband was put back on an airplane and sent back to his base for another 2.5 months. I figured that gave me perfect reason to just sit and be sad yesterday and ignore everything. I have discovered over time that if I can just let the sadness of him leaving wash over me for as long as it needs to, then it's actually less painful. This is the 4th time I've had to say "good bye" to him for long periods of time. I'm slowly learning what makes it easier for me.

Now, I got up this morning, still not quite on track, but more than willing to get back into my routines and get a move on. I'll get started in a few minutes. *smile*

May, for FlyLady, is about exercise and just how to get up and get moving. You know, something we definitely don't do while sitting in front of the computer. *smile* Rules: There really aren't any. Just set a timer for 15 minutes and MOVE! Oh, there is one small rule... Do what you enjoy. What did you used to do as a kid? Personally? I used to swim any chance I got or I'd go on hikes. I have 3 children now and only 1 knows how to swim. Okay, swimming is out until I have backup. *smile* Hiking? Well, we live a long ways away from the mountains now. When I was a kid, our home was backed up to BLM land in Grand Junction. I'd just slip through the storm culvert and go hiking. As I got older, what did I prefer doing? DANCING!! I still love to dance. So, there was a light bulb moment in one of the FlyLady emails. One lady had splurged and bought the new WiiFit. Right then. One problem for us, we don't like those game systems and definitely won't buy the new Wii just for one game. I won't go into my issues with them. However, awhile back, a neighbor had given us his old PS2 for free when he bought himself a new XBox. Okay, that's cool. Until now, it's been in my closet because all the kids would do was fight over it and ignore their chores. Remember what I said about dancing? *grin* I went and bought the Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2. It is so much fun!! I actually have to limit my time on it so I don't get hurt. LOL They even have a workout mode so you can time how long you dance, approx. how many calories you've burned, and how far you've "danced." So far, I've danced 1.1 miles. LOL Guess how I'll go get my exercise in again today?

Oddly enough, that game has been a lifesaver the past 2 days. Not only am I really starting to get into shape, but it rained here the past 2 days. I just let the kids play with it, responsibly, for awhile and let them dance their energy out. Not only that, but it's great for teaching coordination and balance. Best of all worlds. I'm wondering how long it will be when I walk out from this room before they're begging me to bring it back out. I wonder how long I'll resist them when I want to play it too... LOL

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