Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Learning Spanish

Well, when I say I like to 'ramble', I mean it! I have a hard time staying focused on any one thing for very long. This time, I'm starting to focus on learning Spanish. I'm having a humdinger of a time with it! To begin with, the program I really want to use is also really out of my price range. It's Rosetta Stone. I've had the fortune (or is that misfortune?) of playing with it a little bit and I loved it. I loved the intuitive way it taught and how easy it was to remember what I was taught. Now, I'm off to the "old school" way of trying to learn Spanish. Out of books and listening to tapes and trying to figure out what in the universe is going on. At least in using books and tapes to learn a language, you can usually just get that free from the library and find tons of stuff online, also for free.

I think my main problem right now is that I won't just settle down on any one method. If I could just focus and dive in, I think I'd probably learn a lot more. I have fallen into a "trap" of constantly researching without using a single thing I've picked up. Okay, I know... That's stupid. However, sometimes I just have to sit and write about it, like I'm doing right now, before I realize how silly I'm being.

Fine! Be that way! LOL Make me figure out what I'm doing that's so wrong. I will now go and settle down with the main program that I picked up from the library recently and really work through it. I mean, it has 40 lessons in it, but I haven't even made it through 1 of them. Duh. I even went and bought myself a tape player at a thrift store (stores don't actually sell them new anymore) to listen to the tapes. The library also had a CD version, but that one was checked out and had a long waiting list on it. How nice for me that I'm willing to go backwards in technology. *grin*

Okay. I will make a goal for myself. Today is what? Tuesday? My goal is to go through at least a lesson a day. That means, that by the end of this week, I will have at least done 4 lessons. That will be further than I am now. That is my goal. I'd like to do the whole thing and see what it gets me... But I will start out reasonable. Goodness knows my attention span isn't very long. *sigh*

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