Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Brunette Again

Well, I finally did it. I'm a brunette again. Last year sometime, my neighbor streaked my hair. She is a hairstylist and works for Great Clips. She's incredibly good at what she does, but misses working with color. Last year, she asked if I would be her guinea pig. *grin* She bleached my hair and alternated it with red dye. It turned out great! All for free too. Unfortunately, that is a very difficult style to keep up with. For awhile, I was using a color from Feria to keep my darker hair bleached out so it wouldn't be so obvious as my hair grew out. My hair naturally has red undertones so it was working out well.

However, I'm currently petitioning the Army to let us join my husband overseas later this year. I hope that we get to go. My neighbor is an incredible hairstylist. I'll miss her dreadfully. In the past year, I've grown my hair out and kept it in what she calls an "A-style" cut. Longer in the front than in the back. With the opportunity to go overseas, I don't feel like finding a new stylist. So for the next 2 (or however many) months, I'm going to let it grow without cutting anything. Then, right before we leave, I'll have her cut it all even. That way, it can happily grow while we're gone and I don't have to worry about anything other than an easy trim now and then to keep the ends looking good. With that in mind, I realized that it was time to ditch the dye. Lucky for me, Feria carries a color that's almost identical to my original color. So, this evening I dyed it back. That was a shock! After being a blonde (or a streaked blonde) for almost a year to going back to having very dark brown hair. There are a few sections where the bleached areas weren't happy about being dyed again. It turned a slight gray shade. It gives my hair an interesting color right there. It's not that noticeable... I hope. *grin* Apparently bleached hair does that when it's dyed too many times. However, my hair was more than happy to go back to being dark. Isn't that funny? The dye rinsed out in about 5 minutes instead of the forever the red took. I mean, I would still be rinsing out red dye a week after I dyed it!

So... I'm a brunette again. I wonder if I'll hate that or like it? I finally have come to grips with the fact that, while my hair is actually very thick, it's very fine and straight. Now I think it's time to come to grips with having dark hair again. I wonder if my hubby will be as shocked as I was? *grin* I have a web cam now so he'll see it tomorrow. Oddly enough, I like the looks of it in the web cam better than I did the blonde hair. Who knew?

Well, I suppose that's enough rambling. I could have left it at, "I dyed my hair from blonde/red to brown" and left it at that. However, where's the fun in that? *grin*

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