Thursday, June 5, 2008

Answered Prayers

Well, some prayers are answered differently than others. For a year now, like many military wives, I've been praying that my husband doesn't end up in Iraq. Well, that prayer has been answered in an incredibly odd way. It turns out that he won't be stationed in the US after he graduates from AIT. He is going to S. Korea! Okay... Well... At least it's not Iraq, right? My prayer has changed now. It has changed to, "Please let us go with him." As of right now, DH and I figured out that he has only been home for just over 3 weeks in the past year. By the time he leaves for Korea, he will have been home for just over a month. That's not much time if you have to say goodbye to your husband for 2 years. That just includes this past year he's been in training and then including a year tour overseas. If we get to go with him, then we'll be gone for 2-3 years. If we can just be with him, I'm okay with that. As a matter of fact, I've been doing some studying of the Korean language. It really is a neat language. Now that I understand how their words are written, it's not difficult at all. Now, to figure out what those words mean! LOL At least I can pronounce them now. *grin*

As for another prayer that was answered. Compared to the other 2 up above, one of which has been answered and the other is 'pending,' it is a small prayer. It was still important though or I wouldn't have prayed about it. Two nights ago, my boys lost my car keys. I was a complete dork and had never gotten a second key for our car. Can we say stupid? LOL So we were locked out of our car and couldn't go anywhere. Not to mention the scare of not knowing where my keys were and if some unscrupulous person had them in their possession. I was getting ready to change the transmitter code on my car and replace every single lock on our home. However, this evening, a wonderful gentleman knocked on our door and asked if we had lost a set of keys. Oh, praise God! He said that he'd found them on the sidewalk outside of his home. He asked around his area to see if anyone had lost them, but no one had. He said it was bothering him because he knew that they were important and that someone must have been frantic at losing them. He was 100% right. I had cleaned my house from top to bottom looking for those keys. So this evening, he started walking around looking for the same type of car that the keys would match. He was definitely a Godsend when he brought those keys back to me. It turns out that my son had dropped them on the way back from the mailbox 2 nights ago. Trust me, it will be awhile before I trust him to get the mail again! On the bright side, my house is a lot cleaner and I've had a second key made for the car. So some good did come out of my scare.

With that, I'm off to try and relax for awhile. With the news of Korea and my lost keys coming all at once, it will be good to relax from the key problem. A little drama is out of our lives for the time being. *smile* As for Korea? That one will bug me until I know if we're going or not. I don't know if I should be thrilled because we get to go too or if I am to be upset because we're not. To tell you the truth, I think DH is going alone. *big sigh* Oh, well. I've handled it all for a year already. What's another year?

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