Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Fabric!

Well, it's the "curse" of the quilter. Did you know we always need new fabric? It doesn't matter how much we already have, we have to have more. You never know if that fabric you've fallen in love with is exactly what you need for your next quilt... or the quilt 2 years from now. With that in mind, you always buy more than you think you'll need, because it always happens that you'll need at least 1/4 yard more than what you did buy. Usually, by then, it's also out of print and you can't get your hands on it unless you're willing to pay someone $35 for a 1/2 yard out on eBay. It's a tough life, being a quilter. It always helps if you have a sympathetic spouse who won't complain that you just bought more fabric even though you have who knows how much stashed around the house as it is.

Speaking of which, I was going through a box in my bedroom the other day to get to a box of quilt tops. I'm a topper... I prefer making tops and not finishing them. *grin* Okay, back to my story. In getting down to the box of tops, I found at least 2-3 yards of fabric in another box on top of it. Hmm.. Now how did that end up there and not in my stash? Beats me! What's really odd is that I have one of those sympathetic spouses who doesn't really understand my fascination with quilting, but doesn't say much about it anyway. Not even when I walk in the house with another yard or 5 of fabric and say, "It was just so pretty, I had to have it." *grin* He's wonderful! So it wasn't in that odd box in my room because I was hiding it. The great thing about it though was the fact that it's practically "new" to me! I'd forgotten that I'd owned it. "New" fabric without spending money. Does it get any better than that?! Now I'll get it washed and pressed because it is time that it took its rightful place in my stash. It can't exactly get used if it's hidden a box somewhere. It might just be the perfect fabric for that quilt 2 years down the road! Boy, I sure hope I can find that extra 1/4 yard!

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